【海韵讲座第16场】6月18日-Minimum message principle based causal discovery
发布时间:2012-06-15 点击:


6月18日晚上7:00在海韵教学楼101,信息科学与技术学院计算机科学系邀请来自澳大利亚迪肯大学的戴洪华教授为同学们作了题为《Minimum message principle based causal discovery》的讲座。讲座由计算机系主任李翠华教授主持,李翠华对戴洪华教授的到来表示热烈地欢迎,并简要介绍了本次讲座的主题。





信息学院 郑超




【海韵讲座第16场】 讲座名称: Minimum message principle based causal discovery 讲座时间:6月18日周一晚上第9、10节地点:海韵101.讲座内容:"Automating the learning of causal structure from sample data is a key step toward incorporating machine learning in the automation of decision-making and reasoning under uncertainty. We have developed encoding and search methods for discovering simple linear causal models. The initial experimental results presented in this paper show that the MML induction approach can recover causal models from generated data which are quite accurate reflections of the original models. Compared with other methods, this method has demonstrated the advantages in several aspects including accuracy and time complexity. However difficulties exist in both causal discovery and applying MML in the discovery process. This talk presents an information-theoretic approach to the discovery of causal models,using the Minimum Message Length Principle. It will explain how MML could achieve the successful discovery of causal models. In particular, the coding scheme applied in the discovery process will be explained. " 简历:Dai Honghua, Senior Lecturer,Deakin University, Australia 戴洪华博士在其研究的机器学习与数据挖掘研究邻域在国际上具有一定的知名度。多年来,应邀担任了多个国际学术会议或国际学术组织的学术与技术委员会委员并在2002年亚太地区数据挖掘和知识发现年会上由国际专家委员会提名并得到国际专家委员会通过担任2004年亚太地区国际数据挖掘和知识发现年会学术与技术委员会主席及担任2006,2008,2010和2012年IEEE,ICDM国际知识发现可靠性研究年会(RIKD)主席。并应邀担任了多个国际学术期刊或杂志的客座编辑或副主编或编委。戴洪华博士是澳大利亚狄肯大学计算机学院机器学习与数据挖掘研究邻域的博导.近年来,已成功了多名博士生.