【海韵讲座】2021年第10期-Molecular Communication Theory in Living Substrates for Future Medical Applications
发布时间:2021-04-12 点击:615

报告题目:Molecular Communication Theory in Living Substrates for Future Medical Applications

主讲人:Prof. Massimiliano Pierobon, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

时间:2021416日(星期五) 8:15—9:30


摘要:Ever since the discovery of the Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) as the genetic material, it is widely understood that information and communications are at the basis of living organisms. Even the most simple and fundamental organisms, the biological cells, not only store, express, and propagate their genetic content to their offspring, but also incessantly receive and process information from the external environment, and modify their behavior accordingly. This keynote talk explores the importance of information and communication theory applied to molecules and biochemical reactions in understanding the mechanisms of life, the origin of diseases, and design medical devices and therapies, together with current potential limitations in addressing some peculiarities shown in living substrates. In particular, the talk will explore molecular communication theory at the intersections between electrical circuits and biological systems, to elucidate the role of information in sustaining life and how this can be harnessed for medical diagnosis and therapeutic purposes. The talk will then introduce novel ways to study biochemical pathways involved in cancer progression and drug discovery through the lenses of information and communication theory, as well as explore the foundational potential of this novel discipline within the scientific community, with highlights from systems and synthetic biology, neuroscience, and bioinformatics.

报告人简介: Massimiliano Pierobon received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA, in 2013. He is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL), NE, USA, where he also holds a courtesy appointment at the Department of Biochemistry. He is the co-Editor in Chief of Nano Communication Networks (Elsevier) since July 2017, and an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing since August 2020. Previously, he was an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Communications. Selected honors: 2011 Georgia Tech BWN Lab Researcher of the Year Award, 2013 IEEE Communications Letters Exemplary Reviewer Award, UNL CSE Upper and Graduate Level Teaching Award in 2016 and 2017, 2017 IEEE INFOCOM Best Paper Runner-up Award and Best In-session Presentation Award. Dr. Pierobon is currently the PI of the NSF project ``WetComm: Foundations of Wet Communication Theory'', co-PI of the NSF project ``Redox-enabled Bio-Electronics for Molecular Communication and Memory (RE-BIONICS)'', and has been the lead PIs of the NSF project ``TelePathy: Telecommunication Systems Modeling and Engineering of Cell Communication Pathways.'' His research interests are in molecular communication theory, nanonetworks, intra-body networks, communication engineering applied to synthetic biology, and the Internet of Bio-Nano Things.

邀请人:信息与通信工程系 王琳 教授