【海韵讲座】2024年第7期- Road-Vehicle Collaboration - on the Way to Smart Transportation and Autonomous Driving
报告题目:Road-Vehicle Collaboration - on the Way to Smart Transportation and Autonomous Driving
主讲人: 毛国强 西安电子科技大学教授,ISN国家重点实验室副主任,IEEE Fellow
Abstract:Road-vehicle collaboration and smart road technologies are hot topics attracting significant research interest and industry investment. In this talk, we first introduce our work on intelligent transportation systems and vehicular networks, and then review the historical development of roads and vehicles. From this review, we try to argue the view that there is strong cause-effect relation between vehicles and roads. Vehicles represent cause and demand; roads represent the effect and means to meet the demand. Therefore, so-called road-vehicle collaboration is simply a reflection of this causal relationship, and that the development of roads must suit the current vehicular technology, NOT predating it. Then, we present our plausible view about the phased and spiral evolution of smart roads and connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs). A particular focus is on the development of an Internet of Things (IoT)-based system for smart roads to enable construction of a digital twin of the traffic and road system and various applications that can be built on that basis to improve the traffic safety and efficiency of current transportation systems, and the evolution of the IoT system to support the future mass deployment of CAVs.
报告人简介: Guoqiang Mao is a Leading Professor, Founding Director of the Research Institute of Smart Transportation, and Vice-Director of the ISN State Key Lab at Xidian University. Before that he was with University of Technology Sydney and the University of Sydney. He has published ~
300 papers in international conferences and journals that have been cited more than 14,000 times. His H-index is 55 and is in the list of Top 2% most-cited Scientists Worldwide 2022 by Stanford University. He serves as a Vice-Director of Smart Transportation Information Engineering Society, Chinese Institute of Electronics (2022-), and was a co-chair IEEE ITS Technical Committee on Communication Networks (2014-2017). He is an editor of the IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (since 2018), IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (2014-2019), IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (2010-2020) and received “Top Editor” award for outstanding contributions to the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology in 2011, 2014 and 2015. He has served as a chair, co-chair and TPC member in a number of international conferences. His research interest includes intelligent transport systems, Internet of Things, wireless localization techniques, wireless sensor networks, and applied graph theory and its applications in telecommunications. He is a Fellow of IEEE, AAIA and IET and a National Distinguished Overseas Expert.
邀请人:信息与通信工程系 洪学敏教授