报告题目:Inertial Navigation – Theory, State-of-Art, and Future Trends
主讲人:Dr. Naser El-Sheimy, 加拿大工程院院士
This six-hour lecture will provide a thorough knowledge and understanding of inertial sensors and their application in inertial navigation, existing inertial systems, new developments in strapdown technology. The lecture will also cover practical aspects of inertial positioning definition of an operational inertial frame, inertial error models, Kalman filtering, state space formulation and the computation of the transition matrix, zero velocity updates; use of different observables, INS/GNSS integration, current research activities.

Naser El-Shaimy博士是卡尔加里大学测绘工程系的教授和前任系主任,加拿大工程院院士、美国导航学会会士,加拿大多传感器地球空间系统首席科学家(CRC)。他的研究专长包括Geomatics多传感器系统、GPS/INS集成和移动测绘系统。他是Micro Engineering Tech Inc (METI)和Profound Positioning Inc (PPI)的创始人兼总裁。
邀请人:人工智能系 温程璐教授