6月20日讲座《Conserved Patterns in Bioinformatics》
发布时间:2011-06-17 点击:


时间:620日(周一) 上午9:0-11:00


讲座题目:Conserved Patterns in Bioinformatics


Study of conserved patterns is fundamental in computational biology,for example, the regulatory motifs (conserved patterns) in DNA sequence and conserved biological interactions in the comparative analysis of different species. These studies, if done by the traditional way using purely biological experiments, would be expensive, laborious and time-consuming if not impossible. With the advancement of microbiology technology in experiments, large volume of data on genome sequences and biological interactions have become available from experiments on which computational analysis can be done. In this talk, we shall present problems and algorithms on conserved patterns in the study of DNA sequences, in particular when the regulatory motifs are represented by strings or probability matrices.Conserved (similar) biological processes in different species, for example, interaction networks including protein interaction networks, metabolic networks, gene regulatory network and signal transduction networks,have attracted much attention recently. In this talk, we shall also discuss problems and approaches in analyzing and discovering conserved patterns in these networks.